August 2023 Product Updates

YOU are the star of our product updates and this month is no different!
From improved navigation in Inventory, larger photo light boxes, equipment description previews, and more, we implemented your direct feedback to Tractor Zoom Pro in many ways this August.
Read on for the full summary of our engineering team’s work to ensure your user experience is the best it can be.


When a valued client visited our office recently, they shared an idea to improve the navigation of Inventory in Tractor Zoom Pro and we were eager to make it a reality! Now, a sticky header enables users to scroll through Inventory lists more intuitively (shown below).
We always welcome and enjoy customer visits for the chance to collaborate on new ideas and opportunities for improvement. Reach out any time to plan a stop in our Des Moines office or to connect with us virtually for a discussion!
TZ Pro Blog
Also in Inventory, you may now view key details when you hover over a piece of equipment, displayed in a preview box without having to click into the full listing. You will see Serial Number, Dealership Location, Last Price Change, and Description.
TZ Pro Blog
In addition, when viewing comparables in Inventory, you may expand the original item’s description on the page while scrolling through the populated list. This eliminates the need to navigate back and forth from the full list to reference the original item.
TZ Pro Blog

Equipment Lists

When editing an item in your Equipment List, you will now see two Save options to accept your change.
Save & Update Comps can be used to recalculate comparables based upon the change(s) you have made. Save (alone) can be used to only save the change(s) you have made to the equipment details.
TZ Pro Blog

Photo Display

Based on feedback from multiple dealerships, we’ve implemented a new, larger light box on equipment listings in Tractor Zoom Pro. Now you can expand the images to see the equipment in better detail, which is particularly helpful as you evaluate comparables.
TZ Pro Blog


Now, to help you get to results faster in Search, as you begin typing a specific Make/Model of equipment, a list of completed terms will populate for you to select.
TZ Pro Blog
As always, the best improvements in your Tractor Zoom’s products evolve from feedback and requests from you. Please reach out if you have suggestions or ideas to make your work a little lighter!

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