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Who We Serve


The Tractor Zoom Solution Suite

Tractor Zoom

Market your used equipment to a growing audience of qualified buyers across the country, all for free and with little, if any, effort of your part.

Tractor Zoom PRO

Streamline and automate used equipment valuation and pricing decisions with the fastest growing, most transparent farm equipment and heavy machinery database.

Anvil PRO

Deliver a connected customer experience with the only scalable, dealership-specific CRM that seamlessly connects inventory, customer data, and operation workflows.

Explore the Tractor Zoom Solution Suite ▸

tractor in mobile phone icon

My Team Isn’t Completing Appraisals in the Same Way

Introduce standardization to your team’s inspection and appraisal process so that all valuations are completed with precision and accuracy.


Disordered data and workflow lead to inaccuracies and loss of trust

Whether a new member of the team or an industry veteran, it’s crucial to ensure everyone conducts equipment valuations accurately to instill confidence in your customers and proactively avoid issues with:

  • Traceability: Inconsistent or erroneous data collection can undermine your operation’s efficiency and jeopardize compliance. Collecting clean data consistently from the start is key.
  • Portfolio Risk Management: Inaccurate value assessments can affect how you analyze risk across an individual portfolio and even the whole organization.
  • Customer Relationships: Without quality, accurate data, you may lose the trust that’s vital to maintaining positive customer relationships and miss out on the opportunities to scale your business.
  • Time and Effort: Manually identifying new equipment values for recurring assessments wastes time and effort, not only for you, but also for your customer.

Reduced Revenue

Increased Carrying Costs

Lower Market Share

Decreased Cash Flow

Reduced Gross Margin


Recommended solutions

Increase your efficiency, boost data integrity, and introduce a more streamlined, individualized workflow for your team to complete inspections and valuations with Tractor Zoom Pro Equipment Lists.


Automated Equipment Lists

  • Create traceability for audit, exam, or regulation requirements with Equipment Lists that have built-in transparency as to how equipment values were calculated 
  • Replace the manual work of identifying current values as the market changes with values that are updated automatically 
  • Monitor the value of the portfolio and ensure your organization is in a position to manage risk and adjust as equipment prices continually fluctuate
Explore Equipment Lists ▶
desktop view of Tractor Zoom Pro Equipment Lists
hand holding phone showing the Tractor Zoom Pro App


Mobile App for Equipment Lists

  • Standardize and digitize Equipment Lists beginning even before the field inspection, keeping all of your customers’ equipment information easily accessible in one place
  • Remove the risk of redundant data collection by eliminating spreadsheets and paper lists. Instead, the mobile app automatically syncs to your Equipment Lists, ensuring a more efficient and accurate workflow
Explore Tractor Zoom Pro App for Equipment Lists ▶



Designed for the modern workforce, Iron Comps provides all the accuracy, efficiency, and profitability of a big data platform while still quickly adapting to a business’ preferred processes.


Sale data on heavy equipment is just that, data. Iron Comps provides value by translating data into actionable insights that can be leveraged to make profitable business decisions.


Additional resources to increase accuracy

Ready to realize the benefits of standardized data and workflows?

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Looking to solve more challenges?

See how Tractor Zoom can help.

Farm Credit Challenges

My Renewal Season is Too Chaotic

We Need Appraisal Consistency

My Field Appraisal Process is Too Cumbersome