Is your auction struggling to gain the exposure it deserves? Don’t let your valuable lots go unnoticed. Drive more eyeballs to your lots and qualified bidders to your auction site with Tractor Zoom.
Limited exposure means limited bidders
The visibility of your auction directly affects its success. Limited exposure can significantly impact your profitability in several obvious, and maybe less obvious, ways:
Reduced Revenue
Increased Carrying Costs
Lower Market Share
Decreased Cash Flow
Reduced Gross Margin
At Tractor Zoom, we specialize in amplifying the reach of auctions like yours. We work with our auctioneer partners to provide comprehensive marketing strategies to increase exposure for their auctions.
Designed for the modern workforce, Iron Comps provides all the accuracy, efficiency, and profitability of a big data platform while still quickly adapting to a business’ preferred processes.
Sale data on heavy equipment is just that, data. Iron Comps provides value by translating data into actionable insights that can be leveraged to make profitable business decisions.
The first sale using Tractor Zoom, I received calls from buyers residing in four different states. I have never received these out-of-state calls before. I will definitely be using Tractor Zoom as an advertising resource to expand my advertising geographies.
Morgan Riat | Foundation Realty
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