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Who We Serve


The Tractor Zoom Solution Suite

Tractor Zoom

Market your used equipment to a growing audience of qualified buyers across the country, all for free and with little, if any, effort of your part.

Tractor Zoom PRO

Streamline and automate used equipment valuation and pricing decisions with the fastest growing, most transparent farm equipment and heavy machinery database.

Anvil PRO

Deliver a connected customer experience with the only scalable, dealership-specific CRM that seamlessly connects inventory, customer data, and operation workflows.

Explore the Tractor Zoom Solution Suite ▸

auction gavel icon

I Need to Better Set Customer Expectations

Setting realistic expectations for your customers is crucial for ensuring satisfaction and fostering repeat business. Without proper communication and guidance, customers may have unrealistic expectations about the sale of their farm equipment or heavy machinery.


Informed customers equal happy customers

Failure to set expectations with customers regarding the sale of their farm equipment or heavy machinery can have several implications for your business:

  • Customer Dissatisfaction: When customers aren’t informed about potential sale outcomes, such as the expected price range or market conditions, they may end up disappointed with the results.
  • Loss of Trust: If expectations aren’t properly managed and the outcome of a sale differs significantly from what was promised or implied, it can lead to a loss of trust in the auctioneer’s services.
  • Reputation Damage: Negative experiences spread quickly through word-of-mouth and online reviews. If customers feel misled, they may share this feedback with others.
  • Reduced Business Opportunities: Satisfied customers are more likely to return and refer you to others, while dissatisfied customers may seek alternatives, reducing your potential for repeat business and referrals.

Reduced Revenue

Increased Carrying Costs

Lower Market Share

Decreased Cash Flow

Reduced Gross Margin


Recommended solutions


Leverage more filters

Utilize category-specific filters to drill down to the exact comps you need for more accurate pricing.

Leverage TZ AI-powered Smart Descriptions to filter against additional equipment specs and information featured in the keyword-rich lot descriptions.

Explore Equipment Search ▶
Tractor Zoom Pro equipment search on laptop
Tractor Zoom Pro equipment search for John Deere skid steer


Custom average

Build a custom average by selecting the comps that matter most to you (or your customer), ensuring a more tailored and accurate estimate of value.

Explore Equipment Search ▶


Evaluation reports

Easily generate and print reports, or export comp results based on your unique filters to share with your customers and set realistic expectations for their expected sale price.

Explore Equipment Search ▶
desktop image of Tractor Zoom evaluation report



Designed for the modern workforce, Iron Comps provides all the accuracy, efficiency, and profitability of a big data platform while still quickly adapting to a business’ preferred processes.


Sale data on heavy equipment is just that, data. Iron Comps provides value by translating data into actionable insights that can be leveraged to make profitable business decisions.


Kyle Kelso logo

Tractor Zoom Pro allows me to see images of equipment to quickly and easily help me understand what it’s currently going for. It helps bring a new level of professionalism to my clients. It’s also nice to lean on for what I might be able to do for a customer and their equipment. I love working with Tractor Zoom and this is just another tool they’ve brought me to be a better auctioneer for our customers.

Kyle Kelso, Auctioneer | Macomb, IL


Additional tools for exceeding customer expectations

Ready to leverage Tractor Zoom Pro to enhance customer relationships?

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Looking to solve more challenges?

See how Tractor Zoom can help.

Auctioneer Challenges

My Auction Needs More Exposure

Setting Customer Expectations

Staying Competitive in This Market